Whether you’re working remotely or in a traditional office setting, fun employee engagement ideas can help employees feel valued, appreciated, and connected to their workplace.

From team-building exercises to interactive challenges, fun employee engagement activities allow employees to leave their daily routines and engage with their colleagues in a more relaxed and enjoyable setting.

These employee engagement activities promote a healthy work-life balance and encourage employees to collaborate, communicate, and bond with one another. Investing in engaging activities shows your employees that you care about their well-being, which can ultimately improve productivity, retention, and overall job satisfaction. So, let’s explore some creative and enjoyable ways to engage employees and create a positive and inclusive work environment for all!


Fun Employee Engagement Activities In Office

Team Lunches

Team lunches are a fantastic team-building activity that allows staff members from different departments to unite, bond, and improve employee engagement. These casual gatherings allow employees to share ideas, give feedback, and get to know their colleagues better, fostering a positive work environment where employees look forward to coming to work.

Friends making barbecue and having lunch in the nature
Board Games

Board Games

Introducing a dedicated board game room in the office is a creative and low-cost employee engagement idea. Offering a variety of fun games that encourage interaction and collaboration can increase employee participation and team spirit. Playing board games together is entertaining and an excellent way to get your team to unwind, build relationships, and engage in friendly competition.

DIY Workshops

DIY workshops are engaging activities that allow employees to tap into their creative side while promoting team-building. These hands-on sessions allow staff members to express themselves artistically, boost morale, and share their craft ideas with colleagues. Supplying the necessary materials and instructions creates a fun and inclusive environment for employees to bond over their artistic pursuits.

Teambuilding workshop with unrecognizable group
Office Party

Themed Office Parties

Organizing themed office parties is the best employee engagement practice that injects fun and excitement into the workplace. Whether celebrating a holiday or just for team-building, encouraging employees to dress up and participate in themed activities fosters a sense of camaraderie and creates lasting memories. These events offer a much-needed break from the daily grind and allow employees to let loose and enjoy each other's company.

Acts of Kindness

Dedicating a day to acts of kindness is a heartwarming employee engagement game that promotes positivity and goodwill among staff members. Encouraging employees to write anonymous compliments, buy lunch for colleagues, or leave small gifts on desks spreads joy and reminds everyone of the importance of kindness in the workplace. This simple yet impactful activity can significantly improve the overall employee experience.

Being Kind is Free - Random acts of kindness - sign, words, quote
desk decoration

Desk Decoration

A desk decoration challenge is a creative and fun way to engage employees and showcase their personalities. Setting a monthly theme and encouraging staff members to decorate their workspaces fosters friendly competition and allows employees to express their creativity. This activity adds liveliness to the office and provides a conversation starter and a chance for employees to bond over their shared interests.

Fitness Activities

Promoting wellness through fitness activities is an excellent employee engagement idea that demonstrates your commitment to the well-being of your staff. Implementing fitness challenges, such as step goals or workout session targets, motivates employees to stay active while fostering a sense of friendly competition and camaraderie. These activities improve physical health and boost morale and team spirit.

Side view of active senior people performing yoga on yoga mat in the park

Trivia and Quizzes

Hosting trivia and quiz events is a fun and engaging way to get employees involved and test their knowledge. You create an enjoyable and intellectually stimulating atmosphere by covering various topics, from pop culture to industry-specific questions. Offering small prizes to the winners adds extra excitement and encourages friendly competition among staff members.

Organizing volunteering opportunities is a meaningful employee engagement activity that allows staff members to give back to the community while building strong team bonds. Whether volunteering at an animal shelter, cooking for the homeless, or participating in park clean-ups, these experiences instill a sense of purpose and remind employees of their work's positive impact. Volunteering together fosters a sense of unity and shared values.

Volunteer Participation Giveaways
bookseller in bookstore, librarian in library, diversal people.

Book Club

Starting an office book club is an excellent way to engage employees and promote intellectual discourse. Allowing staff members to take turns selecting books and facilitating discussions encourages diverse perspectives and creates an environment where employees can share their thoughts and opinions. This activity promotes personal growth and strengthens the bonds between colleagues who share a love for literature.

Remote Employee Engagement Virtual Activities and Ideas

Virtual Cooking Classes

Virtual Team Building Cooking Activities - The Sunny Table

Get your remote team together for a virtual cooking or baking session with someone passionate about culinary arts. This activity fosters teamwork and skill-building as everyone learns to make delicious dishes or sweet treats from the comfort of their kitchens.


Bring-Your-Pet-To-Work Day

Take Your Dog to Work Day – Fun Holiday

Even when working remotely, pets can bring joy and connection to the team. Organize a virtual pet-friendly day where employees can introduce their furry, feathered, or scaled friends to their colleagues, promoting bonding over shared pet parenthood.


Monthly Virtual Potluck

National Pancake Day: 20 Celebration Ideas in the Workplace

A monthly virtual potluck fosters a sense of community and cultural exchange among remote employees. Each team member can showcase their culinary talents by sharing a dish, recipe, or cultural delicacy during a virtual gathering.


Virtual Meditation Sessions

Virtual Corporate Team Building Meditation Classes

Combat remote work stress by offering virtual meditation sessions led by professionals. These sessions allow employees to unwind, practice mindfulness, and prioritize their mental and emotional well-being.


Virtual Team Building Workshops

21 Benefits of Team Building: Enhancing Workplace Dynamics

Strengthen cross-departmental collaboration and communication through virtual team-building workshops facilitated by experts. These activities encourage remote employees to work together, problem-solve, and build stronger connections despite geographical barriers.


Employee Podcasts

Unlike Raises, You Can Afford to Give Your Team All the Recognition and  Praise They Have Earned | Entrepreneur

Encourage remote teams to create departmental podcasts, offering a platform for sharing insights, opinions, and ideas. This initiative promotes employee engagement by amplifying voices, fostering creativity, and encouraging peer-to-peer interaction.


Virtual Secret Santa

10+ Best Virtual Holiday Party Ideas for Remote Teams

Spread holiday cheer and foster connections among remote team members with a virtual Secret Santa gift exchange. This activity encourages thoughtful gift-giving and allows employees to connect with colleagues they may not interact with regularly.


Virtual Tic Tac Toe

Implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game - GeeksforGeeks

Engage your team in a classic game of Tic Tac Toe, but with a virtual twist. Through online platforms or collaborative whiteboards, team members can take turns placing ‘X’ or ‘O’ in the grid, fostering friendly competition and strategic thinking while bonding over a timeless game.


Interactive Hangman

Mini Project Stage 1

Spice up virtual interactions with a game called Hangman. Participants can guess letters to uncover the mystery word while avoiding the drawing of the hangman. This activity promotes collaboration, problem-solving, and quick thinking, creating an engaging atmosphere for remote teams to enjoy together.


Polls and Quizzes

Survey Says: 29 Fun Virtual Family Feud Games & Questions

Inject excitement and friendly rivalry into the workday with polls, trivia games, or flash quizzes conducted over communication channels like Slack. Whether it’s a virtual Family Feud session or a quick pop quiz on industry knowledge, these interactive activities provide opportunities for team members to showcase their skills, learn from each other, and have fun during downtime.



Engage Employees with Fun Activities at the Stadium

In wrapping up, creating a lively and engaged workplace atmosphere is key for any thriving company. By introducing enjoyable employee engagement activities like virtual games, interactive quizzes, and team-building exercises, we’re boosting morale and building stronger bonds among our team members. And let’s not forget the joy of giving gifts! With Stadium’s fantastic corporate gifting platform, we can show our appreciation in style with gifts that truly resonate with our employees’ tastes and preferences. So, let’s keep the fun rolling and the appreciation flowing because when we invest in our team’s happiness and well-being, everyone wins!


By Stadium