Employee engagement fosters a work environment where team members feel valued, challenged, and connected to the company’s goals and mission. When you have engaged employees, they become more productive, innovative, and likely to stick around for the long haul. But how do you measure this elusive concept of engagement? Buckle up because we’re about to explore some tried-and-true engagement metrics and ways to measure engagement levels within your organization.

One of the most popular methods is the employee engagement survey, which can provide valuable insights into how your employees truly feel about their jobs. These surveys can range from comprehensive annual assessments to regular pulse surveys that take the temperature of your workforce more frequently. Regardless of the format, an employee engagement survey results can help you identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement when cultivating engaged employees. But don’t worry; we’ll dive into specific techniques and strategies to boost employee engagement and ensure your team is firing on all cylinders!

KPIs to Measure Employee Engagement

Key performance indicators or KPIs offer a comprehensive picture of a company’s performance across all divisions and business objectives. The same is true for assessing employee engagement. To understand employee engagement in your firm, you should measure and track the following:

Turnover and retention rates

High Employee Turnover Rate? Here's How to Fix It

Perhaps you’ve observed that a certain department has remarkably high turnover rates. That’s a telling symptom of low staff engagement. Exit interviews are among the most effective strategies for high employee turnover rates. Valuing employee input can help you understand the issues that cause employees to quit.

You may also utilize the interview notes to generate more specific questions during recruiting interviews, which will help you maximize your recruitment search. Similarly, you may conduct stay interviews to obtain a competitive advantage in retention by asking workers why they might quit the firm or what you can do to keep them engaged and at the company.

Employee net promoter score

How to Measure Employee Engagement in 2024 | Workhuman

Asking workers, “How likely are you to recommend working for us?” might provide information about their employment experience. Statistical experts call this KPI the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

To calculate the NPS, take the promoter-to-detractor ratio and divide the result by the total number of employees that responded. However, you may discriminate between advocates and detractors by asking, on a scale of one to 10, “How likely will you recommend working at our company to your friends?”

Employee absenteeism Rate

How to Lower Absenteeism by 41% with Employee Engagement

Employees who are engaged are more attentive. They are also an employee who turns up. According to GallupOpens in a new tab, the absence rate differs significantly by 81% between a low- and high-engagement workplace.

If not managed appropriately, disengaged workers may have a cascading effect. Their colleagues must compensate for their portion of the job, resulting in an increased burden and a decline in total employee happiness and employee experience.

Promotion rate

19 Best Employee Engagement KPI You Need To Know In 2024

Another effective way to understand how to assess employee engagement is to keep track of internal promotions. Professional development is one of several factors that influence engagement.

It helps you to evaluate the company’s capacity to retain top-performing team members. To calculate this KPI, divide the number of promoted workers by the number of employees. However, this should also be addressed in talks with employees about their career goals and the opportunities for advancement inside the firm.

Aspects To Measure Employee Engagement

Robert Kahn, an American psychologist and social scientist, discovered Employee involvement dimensions consist of three dimensions: emotional, cognitive, and physical.


The tech leader's role in workplace well-being

The emotional part of assessing engagement focuses on how employees perceive their workplace. You may monitor whether employees feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. 

We recommend asking questions such as, “Do the employees trust the company and its leadership to provide professional development? 

Feelings of empowerment are also important to consider while judging participation. Giving employees greater freedom and autonomy creates a good experience. As a result, these emotional characteristics affect the company’s financial success.


How to Measure Employee Engagement in 2024 | Workhuman

Employees are more likely to be engaged when they put in greater physical effort. Whether strolling about or performing errands, taking action boosts employee confidence and employee loyalty to the organization. 

Nonetheless, physical involvement boosts your employee’s sense of productivity. You may improve this component by implementing engagement tactics such as walking meetings, promoting time for physical activity, and providing ergonomic furniture.

Integrating a wellness program within your firm may benefit both employers and workers. Research shows that every dollar spent on wellness initiatives reduces a company’s medical expenses by around $3.27.

Furthermore, absence costs fall to around $2.73 for every dollar spent on wellness initiatives. Adopting a well-being check-in for your employees can help discover underlying issues contributing to disengaged workers.


Employee trust and DEI in the workplace | Deloitte Insights

Cognitive engagement largely focuses on an employee’s concentration levels, whether completing a job or sticking to the corporate goal. In this regard, business expertise is vital. Employees must be confident in their knowledge in order to use it effectively in the workplace.

This is where employee appreciation comes into play. Employee retention rates can be improved by rewarding cognitively engaged staff. You may utilize tools to recognize and reward high-achieving staff. You may also monitor to ensure that appreciation is distributed evenly within the business.

You may use the modern way to recognize their professional accomplishments, such as finishing a major project or receiving a promotion.

What you will need to measure employee engagement?

Employee engagement is measured using various technologies, including surveys, email monitoring tools, and KPI recording systems.

Pulse surveys

Dayforce - Employee engagement surveys: The essential questions to ask and why

As the name implies, HR professionals use these surveys to gain a “pulse” on employee engagement. It consists of open-ended and scale survey questions asking employees about their impressions of workplace communication, atmosphere, leadership, and employee feedback.

Employee engagement surveys


Pulse and emotional engagement surveys have similar characteristics, such as outcomes. Nonetheless, they vary in terms of scope, frequency, and length.

The latter provides a more comprehensive overview of the firm. Furthermore, they are far less frequent and require longer to complete. Pulse surveys are especially useful during corporate transitions or post-project operations.


NPS surveys

General Overview of Employee Engagement as A Concept

NPS surveys allow you to gauge your employees’ attitudes toward the organization. They are quick, simple to use, and efficient for monitoring employee engagement. 

They are also cost-effective and precise. However, the survey’s simplicity makes it a two-edged sword. While it is useful, it does not give detailed information about why workers may or may not suggest you. 

As a result, you should combine this poll with various additional ways to assess employee engagement.

Bonus Point- Employee recognition tools

How to Create an Employee Recognition Program (With Ideas) | Eddy

Employees who feel valued are likelier to stay motivated and engaged at work. Employee engagement solutions such as the Stadium platform help to foster an appreciation culture. The technology allows employers and peers to express their gratitude to one another through presents.

This revolutionary platform enables businesses to establish their own personalized gift shop for their workers to pick from for various events, including work anniversaries, holiday celebrations, gratitude gestures, and even retirement celebrations.


Boost Employee Engagement with Stadium's Innovative Employee Gifting Platform

Implementing an effective employee engagement strategy is crucial for employee satisfaction and overall business success. While annual engagement surveys provide valuable insights, fostering a continuous recognition and appreciation culture can significantly boost engagement levels throughout the year. This is where innovative solutions like Stadium come into play.

Stadium’s user-friendly platform empowers organizations to create a personalized engagement experience by enabling peer-to-peer recognition, tailored rewards, and creative gift-giving to celebrate milestones and achievements. By making employees feel valued and appreciated, Stadium helps improve employee engagement, enhances job satisfaction, and cultivates a positive work environment that retains top talent. Ultimately, investing in tools that prioritize employee recognition and make engagement a daily practice can be a game-changer for companies seeking to improve engagement, boost productivity, and drive long-term success.